Friday, June 09, 2006


They wouldn't let me take it!

They said I had to have a passport - but the web site says "A form of photo ID" - so I took my government issue identity card - and they turned me down!

I lost my money too :(


Thursday, June 08, 2006


I'm thoroughly miserable tonight.

I booked my driving theory test a while back - right after pay day, I did it because I always run out of money later in the month.

I was planning to change the date - but life got in the way, and when I went to rebook it for two weeks time - I've missed the deadline and now I have to take it tomorrow :(

That sucks. I will fail it for sure.

Oh well, I might as well take it, I've paid for it, so I don't have anything to lose, but I know it's not going to be pretty. I have not done a second of revision or practice. I have crammed in a few on-line tests tonight and was astounded to realise I didn't even know what shape a STOP sign was.

Damn. I'll post again tomorrow. My misery and I are going to go hide in bed. Good night.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Rude words - once learned, never forgotten.

We were out shopping tonight. For those of you who have never taken a tired three year old shopping before, it is slightly less enjoyable then do-it-yourself tubal ligation. For those of you who have tried it, well, you're already nodding. You could probably finish the story for me.

We're waiting in line. Dylan has done his full compliment of dangling off my hand, swinging into candy bar stands, pulling the non-fixed barrier, whining for batteries etc when he suddenly stops.

I know he's going to do something awful because he looked at me and smiled first. As Robert Fulghum would put it "Uh-oh"....

Little slitty eyes looking up at me. "Stupid asshole" hisses my precious baby, and bursts out laughing. I am wide eyed, mesmerised, dear lord let him not remember anything else Dan and I might have said in any late evening discussions we may have had...oh lord, now he's singing a song about a retard - Dan once called Sasha a retard and he asked what it meant. Why do we tell him everything? He's three, dammit, we should just lie to him sometimes.

Oh god. The lady in front has some tampons in her basket. Please don't let now be the time he decides we are going to revisit that conversation about how he and daddy have a penis but mommy and Sasha have a 'jyna. I'll never be able to come in here again. The last time I bought Tampax in here he asked me, nice and loud, "Are they for your jyna?" - as if it's some kind of pet I keep at home. He always picks crowded places to want to have a facts of life talk. It's all my fault anyway for trying to bring him up well balanced and educated, I should have just said "Johnson" and "pompom" or some other unidentifiable words and damn it, it's all my fault.

We're at the front of the queue now, he hasn't asked about anyone's purchases or nether regions or decribed anything terrible to anyone or managed to sing the Retard song loud enough for anything but a trained mommy ear to detect. He hasn't pointed out any fat men either. We may yet make it out of here alive. Both of us.

The lady at the counter says "Hello Dylan, how are you today?" and my precious baby says "Hello, I went to nursery today and I did a painting. I painted a fire truck for my mommy" - oh how I love this child! he never lets me down, he's so cute and charming and all the ladies behind the counter make a collective "awwwww" when he speaks in his little three-year-old baby-talk voice. She rings the food up and hands him the till recipt and unprompted he says "Thank you ladies, bye bye" and off we go. I know they'll talk about us when we're gone, they'll say what a nice little boy he is and how well behaved he is...this is because they didn't hear the song.

Another succesful shopping trip with my sweet little boy.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

About the Beetles.

Dan and I met about 7 years ago. It was all very modern and odd, a net-friend of mine told me she had someone she wanted me to meet, we were in chat, so I met him and we had a fight, I thought he was rude and he thought I was a sissy.

But for some reason we just immediately loved each other.

I felt like I'd known Dan for years. When we sat and sometimes said nothing but listened to mp3's together, we both just knew it was all going to be ok - despite the inconvenience that we were slightly over 3000 miles apart, and almost 20 years difference in age.

When Dan asked me to come meet him, I said yes right away. We'd known each other for 5 months. My mother went instantly hysterical because I was "running off with some man I didn't know."

How well does anyone really ever know anyone else? we'd done nothing but talk for 10 hours a day since we met, I was 29, divorced, employed and had my own house. I thought I'd made it to adulthood quite succesfully. Dan and I met at George Bush airport, Houston, on 3rd July 1999. Our wedding anniversary is July 4th....

A year later, we got Sasha. Two years later, Dan and I had Dylan. Three and a half years later, Dan, Dylan, Sasha and I, decided to start a blog. Actually, Sasha didn't have much input. She's a girl of few words.

Welcome to our world.
Official Fan Site of Dexter
Offical Fan Site of Dexter
Official Fan Site of Dexter
Offical Fan Site of Dexter