Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas time.

Ah, I'm back.

well, it's been a while, I am not a dedicated blogger yet...

We put our tree up, Dylan insisted we had one from Budgens - we were going to the garden center but he fell in love with one, and we didn't buy it. The next morning I took him in there for something and he ran and hugged it. kerching. Tree please, my boy says we'll take that one. How could I leave it?

It's growing in a big pot in the living room. It has roots, I am not sure it will be a long term feature in the garden after christmas, but it'll give it a go, I hope it lives. I hate that they all get killed for Christmas, it seems so out of the spirit of things.

Odd that I am more upset by a dead tree then a dead turkey. Oddly, the whole turkey things doesn't even really bother me, I guess I have been eating meat for a long time but have only had maybe 10 christmas trees killed on my behalf. That must be it.

Anyway, it's 1am, I am eating cookies and have a coffee, then it's bed time.

I had another job interview on Thursday, and I may or may not get it. I am not holding my breath but in the mean time I am still working for where I always was - and feeling the same about it.

Bah humbug.
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