Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tessa Ten and Nina Niner.

Note to add to blog:

I was talking to Dan on the phone at work today, we were both giggling and saying "Nina, niiiii-na" and such.

I was going to try and explain some of my conversation with Dan to the people sitting around me, I'd written:

"I know you overheard that conversation, it must have sounded odd.

We call the dog "nina" as a nickname because she only has nine nipples.

We always called Sasha "Tessa Ten Tits", but Dallas only has 9 so we had to give her a new nickname.

Nina nine nipples or Nina Niner :) "

I read it back. I edited the list of people I felt I could say "Tessa Ten Tits" too, until there was only Beccy on it - and she hadn't heard the conversation anyway, so I had to delete the email.

Shame really, I thought it was funny.

Anyway, here she is, you haven't seen her yet...

Isn't she beautiful?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Stranger things have happened at sea(sides).

I told you there was something funny going on. The dates in my life are conspiring to freak me out.
Remember my "Another November 22nd" post, you'll see a list of my significant dates - namely, 22nd November and 11th February (various years). Then my last entry on this blog was February 11th...pure coincidence that I happened to post on that day.

Something happened on February 22nd. It's like a combination of my worse days, the February and the 22 got together and it was bad. My dear sweet Sasha passed away. I won't go in to detail, but she was suddenly taken very ill, and I took her to the veterinary hospital in the middle of the night, and they delayed the operation until it was too late to save her. We'd had her almost all our married life. Nothing so beautiful should ever die. Sasha Lee 2nd February 2000 - 22nd February 2008. We had her cremated and she is with us in the living room.

I am very afraid of what November 11th might bring. I am actually truly scared about it. I am trying not to think about it. It's just another day after all.

We managed exactly one and a half days before we could not live without a dog so we bought a puppy. Dallas. we bought her for two reasons. Firstly, because we couldn't stand not having a dog, and secondly, because Bu had just started in his new school and I had the option of sending him back to a new school after a weeks Half Term holiday as either The new kid with the dead dog, or The new kid with the new puppy.

Dallas is a puppy black lab. Actually, she is the worlds coolest puppy, you could not imagine how we have clung to this little creature to fix our lives after Sasha's passing, but every day she is stronger and braver and she fears nothing and no one, she's an amazing little animal. Predator. She terrorizes Dylan, springing on him from behind doorways and chasing him down in the yard :) he loves her so much. She also chewed through my network cable tonight. Unattended puppy. I told Dan off. He replaced my cable. I didn't tell Dallas off, she was busy paddling in her water bowl, silly woolly little thing.

I also booked a holiday. Death is a funny thing. You get so use to the family always being there, you forget things can change in an instant. I always thought I would take Sasha to the seaside one day - and I never got to do it. It reminded me that Dan has never been to the English coast, and Dylan has never seen the sea, and I have never been to the sea with Dylan, or the English coast with Dan. All those things that we have never I booked us for a week at the seaside in May. Might not be very warm, but dammit I am going in the sea with my boy and we are going to enjoy it.

I also made sure I booked us in a place that accepts dogs...Dallas is coming to the sea with us. It's very late now, I will post pictures of her another time. When she arrived she was a tiny little ball of black wool that slept all the time in between piddling on my carpets, now she is a big strong pup who can walk on a lead. I am very pleased with her. She still piddles on the carpets...

Dear sweet sister Sasha, how you would have loved this little playmate. I know you are still with us though, sometimes I can feel you on the bed at night.
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