Tessa Ten and Nina Niner.
Note to add to blog:
I was talking to Dan on the phone at work today, we were both giggling and saying "Nina, niiiii-na" and such.
I was going to try and explain some of my conversation with Dan to the people sitting around me, I'd written:
"I know you overheard that conversation, it must have sounded odd.
We call the dog "nina" as a nickname because she only has nine nipples.
We always called Sasha "Tessa Ten Tits", but Dallas only has 9 so we had to give her a new nickname.
Nina nine nipples or Nina Niner :) "
I read it back. I edited the list of people I felt I could say "Tessa Ten Tits" too, until there was only Beccy on it - and she hadn't heard the conversation anyway, so I had to delete the email.
Shame really, I thought it was funny.
Anyway, here she is, you haven't seen her yet...

Isn't she beautiful?
I was talking to Dan on the phone at work today, we were both giggling and saying "Nina, niiiii-na" and such.
I was going to try and explain some of my conversation with Dan to the people sitting around me, I'd written:
"I know you overheard that conversation, it must have sounded odd.
We call the dog "nina" as a nickname because she only has nine nipples.
We always called Sasha "Tessa Ten Tits", but Dallas only has 9 so we had to give her a new nickname.
Nina nine nipples or Nina Niner :) "
I read it back. I edited the list of people I felt I could say "Tessa Ten Tits" too, until there was only Beccy on it - and she hadn't heard the conversation anyway, so I had to delete the email.
Shame really, I thought it was funny.
Anyway, here she is, you haven't seen her yet...

Isn't she beautiful?