Sunday, November 02, 2008

For Dylan

Someone asked me to write 10 pieces of advice I would give a child. I started writing but it turned in to the things I wanted for Dylan. I could think of oh so many more then 10 things I wanted to say to him, but he's not yet six. I love him being so little, but 'I have so many things I have to tell you child, I wish you could understand them right now.'

For my son:

1. Be brave, the world is a scary place.

2. Things feel better when you know you earned them. Hard work feels good sitting on your heart at the end of a day.

3. Listen to older people - they really have done it.

4. If you need me to understand something, tell me.

5. Nothing you can do will ever stop me loving you. If you need me, I *will* be there. I promise.

6. Try to understand that people are mostly just muddling through life, trying to do the best they can. No one has any experience at it, we are all first timers.

7. If you are not sure about it, don't do it.

8. If you don't think I would like you doing it, there's a strong possibility you shouldn't do it.

9. If you broke it say sorry. If you hurt it, make sure it's ok.

10. Behave, be good, be decent. You are a beautiful, charming child, I want to see you become a wonderful man.

(11. If you did something *really* bad, for gods sake tell me before the police do.)
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